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Screenshots » id:66172
Score: 5.13
Votes: 39
Classification Player » Taint
Date Submitted 2012-06-25 23:28:05
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Comments (12)
Asura.Ajirha[Report] Score: 17
22nd jump, reaches floor 86, exit with a few sec to spare.
14th jump, reaches floor 100, win the run with 12 min to spare.
Neo-Nyzule, where being lucky is more important than being good...
2012-06-26 08:49:27
Fenrir.Curty[Report] Score: 7
Nyzul can be really funny with the right floors/jumps.
2012-06-25 23:58:17
Shiva.Gib[Report] Score: 5
you don't need to cheat to win NI, you need luck
2012-06-26 15:50:09
Cerberus.Sacredshot[Report] Score: 3
Look at you guys go!!
2012-06-26 20:12:19
Ragnarok.Merodii[Report] Score: 2
Ppl still think u need to cheat to win Neo Nyzul ??? LOL @_@
2012-06-26 07:48:23
Cerberus.Sevvy[Report] Score: -1
Was an excellent run. Started out with low jumps and ugh but ended up with 8-9 jumps. Plus taint is the man
2012-06-26 08:39:20
Siren.Stunx[Report] Score: -1
vnice, i believe you did it legit-ish. no sarcasm.
2012-06-26 00:17:10
Lakshmi.Mental[Report] Score: -2
You can make it legit, luck willing. You just increase your odds with Lamps dats & more. I for one pity 95% of the Nyzul Isle gear owning cheats & will celebrate my legit achievement.
2012-06-27 13:46:44
Shiva.Vivicide[Report] Score: -2
So people really still cry about cheaters? Seriously, have we reverted back to 2005? Good god quit your hatin'. Do you need to cheat? No.

Cheating on it does increase your odds. Increase the odds of winning and increase your win rate increasing how quickly you get those 15 or so wins.
2012-06-28 21:49:09
Cerberus.Ermachko[Report] Score: -4
Get me in~!
2012-06-26 14:42:51