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Screenshots » id:65928
i enjoy posting screenshots, so what!?
Classification Player » Res
Tags VW is hard
Date Submitted 2012-06-07 15:20:59
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Comments (6)
Leviathan.Moltar[Report] Score: 0
@Kaisuko - I didn't know WAR could use Tachi: Shoha D:
2012-10-26 12:41:08
Carbuncle.Pwnzone[Report] Score: -2
Thats it...oh wait..dayum
2012-06-08 08:49:22
Asura.Res[Report] Score: -5
obviously using a brew
2012-06-07 15:24:05
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: -6
Now do that outside Abyssea.

Bloody Hume thinking he is awesome. >.>

PS: Turn rating on, so I can give this a 10... Because it's more than I can do to Qilin. =(
2012-06-07 23:13:53
Asura.Kaisuko[Report] Score: -9
Still not as good as my war :3
2012-06-07 20:20:50
Leviathan.Prototyp Show Score: -20
"I don't always screenshot my damage, but when I do, it's on weak mobs and a quad proc"
2012-06-07 21:34:51