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Screenshots » id:65340
It's over 9,000!
Score: 5.08
Votes: 38
Classification Player » Fiendishone
Tags Someone had to say it, so it might as well have been me.
Date Submitted 2012-04-26 05:42:21
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Comments (6)
Sylph.Fiendishone[Report] Score: 19
Akvan finally put out so new bullet to use. Usual Atmas (Ultimate, Hell's Guardian, Beyond), 11 Wizard's Roll, Ascetics Tonic, Ice day so Obi + Zodiac Ring, and this was on 2nd QD after AF3+2 feet kicked in. Next stop 10k after i get 3 PW drops!
2012-04-26 05:45:57
Bahamut.Atoreis[Report] Score: 17
@Thoraeon I care. Epeen numbers based on really hard to collect equip is as much impressing as any other high end challenge in this game. The things I dont care about are boring comments like yours under every epeen damage screenshot...
2012-04-26 14:58:08
Bahamut.Yoroitsune[Report] Score: 4
Ah Cap'n Crunch, wailing on turtles again I see ?
2012-04-26 15:10:20
Asura.Werdxi[Report] Score: -1
extremely situational and extremely funny.
2012-04-28 16:26:02
Sylph.Quiznor[Report] Score: -3
If I knew you still needed the PW items you coulda had my 3 scoria before I quit. Too late now though
2012-04-28 15:48:29
Siren.Thoraeon Show Score: -53
No one had to say it because no one really cares about epeen numbers. Especially inside Abyssea.
2012-04-26 14:46:14