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wiiiii Grattts Koma for annihilator ? hooo i know this design don't come from game, i started with feather from oce head but feather inspired me simply too much .w.
Score: 8.07
Votes: 68
Classification Player » Cleia
Tags annihilator
Date Submitted 2012-02-16 11:48:16
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Comments (10)
Quetzalcoatl.Tyrantsyn[Report] Score: 7
I love the detail and the style of it. It's extremely complicated and detail while also being a very simple in design.
2012-02-16 15:56:35
Asura.Bluespoons[Report] Score: 4
Just looking at this makes my hands cramp up. I like it a lot, really neat.
2012-02-16 18:03:53
Cerberus.Vanderbilt[Report] Score: 4
You've got a lot of patience. Nice work and very meticulous details.
2012-02-16 19:53:23
Leviathan.Cleia[Report] Score: 4
thaaankksss a looott everyone ! i'm super happy of all your comment ! *^^*

would answer everyone here, forgive me if my english not the best *^^*

Tyrantsyn :thanks a lot ^0^ yeah i guess, it's more like i draw some "big" zone with line and then try to put thing inside, hard part i think it's trying to keep good balance between black and white part when i do details ._. i like black and white drawing, can do cool things ^^

Bluespoons : thaankks! well, my hands hurt when i look at it again XD but im stupid enough for prolly do it again one day, thanks a lot ^.^!

Vanderbilt : thanks! i dunno if it's patience because enjoyed do it, though there are lot of drawing i start doing on that way, with detailsga, and never finish (and it's bad i guess ^^) thank youuu

Calenne : thanks a lot! and thanks for the tip! will try to add some, afraid to had more X3 on my sketch was more hair, though was too much but think you right not enough now ^^

Itachi *^^* thank you again! i w
2012-02-18 17:00:45
Ragnarok.Jessilyn[Report] Score: 1
This is amazing! Great job!
2012-02-19 12:21:24
Phoenix.Calenne[Report] Score: 0
Very nice! Love the details. Maybe need to add more hair to the top of her head. :D
2012-02-16 19:12:09
Siren.Itachi[Report] Score: 0
Amazing art as always.
2012-02-16 19:55:53
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 0
J'adore ta style d'art, Cleia!
2012-02-16 20:55:00
Bismarck.Rosalee[Report] Score: 0
Very nice art~ I love how stylized it is! Reminds me strongly of Ukiyo-e prints.
2012-02-16 22:52:57
Valefor.Madranta[Report] Score: 0
The level of detail on this is amazing. However, I have to ask, was improper head proportions done on purpose as a stylistic choice? Your other drawing seem to show that you have a good grasp on this so I can only assume on highly polished piece like this that you must have consciously done it this way. Either way, it's still beautifully done.
2012-02-17 07:36:20