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Screenshots » id:64069
KSNM99 "The Hills Are Alive" soloed on SCH/RDM.
Score: 7.73
Votes: 44
Classification Player » Upbeat
Tags Tartaruga Gigante, SCH, Solo
Date Submitted 2012-02-15 06:12:56
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Comments (8)
Valefor.Erocent[Report] Score: 9
Who cares how many hp he has left. He still soloed it!
2012-02-15 23:53:19
Odin.Upbeat[Report] Score: 7
Youtube video:

Side note: My SCH on the main server is only 49, and I had actually never played SCH a day before at 99(Didn't use any gear swaps aside from a nuke set and dark magic skill set) So I would assume a decent SCH could do this much much quicker, probably around 10~15 mins.

@Ragnarok.Neonracer My clear time was 19 mins 55 seconds. My HP was in white that single Waterga brought it all the way down.
2012-02-15 23:35:05
Carbuncle.Cardinalgate[Report] Score: 2
6 HP left thats close grats upbeat
2012-02-16 09:29:24
Ragnarok.Rezeak[Report] Score: 1
Hp merits ftw
2012-02-17 17:09:28
Asura.Patriclis[Report] Score: 0
Hey upbeat I'm curious, did you use your 2hour at all?
2012-02-15 20:27:41
Valefor.Rancor[Report] Score: -1
>.> at 1% Waterga for 1038 damage and Q.Q time for you! Way to live by 6 hp :p must have been epic
2012-02-15 20:28:13
Odin.Xushin[Report] Score: -1
2012-02-16 14:35:40
Ifrit.Therealchibo[Report] Score: -1
You sir have balls. No reraise must be pretty confident haha
2012-06-30 21:43:27