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Screenshots » id:63809
Relics that talk
Score: 8.19
Votes: 69
Classification Player » Rinomaru
Tags Kikoku Excalibur
Date Submitted 2012-01-31 21:53:38
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Comments (5)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 11
You ever contemplate why the Relic owners are where they are?

Anyone notice the DRG s laying under a Pile of Debres in Sky >_>? She clearly used Super-Jump and hit her head on Sky.

Or why the Taru is.. In a box?

My theory, given to me by someone, Is that the Taru owed debts to the Tenshodo, Debts he didn't pay, So they killed him and stuffed him in that box.

(This thought brought to you by Sanity and Haxetc).

Relic owners being in weird places.
2012-02-02 05:46:18
Sylph.Arcanine[Report] Score: 10
My legend begins in the 12th century...
2012-02-01 22:42:32
Phoenix.Missescakes[Report] Score: 9
2012-02-01 23:42:41
Asura.Toxleh[Report] Score: 6
2012-02-02 03:20:12
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: -8
-10 for useing that face ><
2012-02-02 09:21:07