blu spells are one of the few things that don't get nerfed when hitting more than one mob. Not complaining because it made leveling my whm mule damn easy to do solo but honestly surprised it lasted this long without a nerf.
actually yes, this was my first time doing a "BLU cleave". was only posted to goat my brother to comming back. to Azureus: lets see.... Lion, BH, MM (dont have ultimate), Full AF3+2, tried using the HQ thunder staff. Hect / Movla earings. and yes lock, new to posting SS
it may be of more use to ur fellow blu's new to cleaving to list a little of the gear u facttored in, either dex/int/mab etc as everyone knows the holy grail atmas for this now. A little info on buffs, debuffs etc is usually in the helpful in the professional cleave screenshots. Pwn is nothing without the process u took to get there.