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What happens when you both get the same lot?
Score: 5.88
Votes: 25
Classification User » Lancil
Date Submitted 2012-01-07 14:44:58
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Comments (7)
Fenrir.Uzugami[Report] Score: 19
Whoever's name comes first (A-Z) gets the item. :(
2012-01-07 15:54:06
Cerberus.Deadplaything[Report] Score: 9
So If you dont want this to happen name your character AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
2012-01-07 20:54:57
Kujata.Lancil[Report] Score: 7
I had actually gotten a lower lot than someone else, but then the K man there lotted a 711 as well. I asked my buddy who had the winning lot to pass so we would see who wins. As it turns out(just like Uzugami said) I lost, and I still owe him a jewel Of wieldance.
2012-01-07 16:17:28
Hades.Ryger[Report] Score: -2
ive only had this happen once. /random afterwards^^
2012-01-08 06:22:18
Odin.Xushin[Report] Score: -8
we tried that once actually who ever casted lot last gets it
2012-01-08 14:04:13
Carbuncle.Viewpoint Show Score: -10
The 1st person who lotted gets the item if I recall.
2012-01-08 08:20:14
Carbuncle.Xenhas Show Score: -13
The first lotter gets it from my experience.
2012-01-07 15:59:32