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102 KC, 23 HKC, 80 KS, 63 merits later... Made a lot of friends though!
Classification Player » Zekky
Date Submitted 2011-12-07 22:05:51
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Comments (4)
Quetzalcoatl.Tyrantsyn[Report] Score: 5
Cookie ^^ mine atm still eludes me.
2011-12-09 14:27:54
Shiva.Drossos[Report] Score: 5
Congratulations Zekky!
I know the agony of that damn ring >.>
2011-12-09 10:33:53
Shiva.Mortechai[Report] Score: 3
And during all that time...did you ever skillup the skills you intended for the ring? If not, then I'am sorry for you.
2011-12-09 22:32:23
Phoenix.Zekky[Report] Score: 2
@Mortechai Unfortunately, no, since the ring is intended more so for shield and guard. I don't mind skilling up melee stuff... It's the defensive stuff that's no fun. =(

But that doesn't matter because I made so many tunnel dwelling friends! And restocked on my KS's for some KSNMs. =d
2011-12-10 03:42:00