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Screenshots » id:62665
ppl arent normal sometimes...
Score: 8.04
Votes: 27
Classification Player » Valerya
Tags ppl arent normal sometimes...
Date Submitted 2011-12-03 12:40:31
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Comments (7)
Asura.Chexmix[Report] Score: 16
With his great sword.

WS points?

2011-12-03 15:07:49
Bahamut.Mizuharu[Report] Score: 8
"People aren't normal ever."

Fixed. :3
2011-12-03 14:32:39
Fenrir.Mesic[Report] Score: 3
some guys pathetic attempt to hear a girl to talk about penis is all, its the closest he'll ever get.
2011-12-03 18:13:06
Ragnarok.Kittsune[Report] Score: 2
Good Lord...
I'm on the same server as them too...
2011-12-03 17:00:22
Ramuh.Austar[Report] Score: 1
Smallpillow from Caitsith? That's a guy. Can guarantee you he wanted you for himself and was gonna give you his mule's name or something.
2011-12-03 14:39:49
Valefor.Kyli[Report] Score: 1
Hah... wow...
2011-12-03 14:45:57
Fenrir.Evildemon[Report] Score: 1
***there's a mithra on fenrir just like that, every single female character out there she'll try and molest in game. I had a female mule and she was always sending her tells to take off her clothes... Too many sick people out there
2011-12-04 11:36:21