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Sorcerer +2 Set
Score: 5.08
Votes: 13
Classification Player » Justinmx
Date Submitted 2011-12-01 22:09:07
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Comments (6)
Shiva.Elensar[Report] Score: 13
What the hell... they removed the Elemental day bonus from the legs? the +2 version is more gimp than the NQ version what were they thinking???
2011-12-02 04:36:06
Asura.Yoyou[Report] Score: 1
Most Blm will keep the Sorcerer's Tonban +1 for the day bonus, upgrade the hands to +2 and use the Sorcerer's Petasos +2(Probably depending on the costs/time it takes to upgrade), untill a Goliard Chapeau+5.
2011-12-02 07:21:12
Leviathan.Sargent[Report] Score: 1
Outside Abyssea, Legs +2 will beat Goetia +2. Just. However as was said, Legs/+1 will beat that on the corresponding day of the week.
2011-12-02 12:16:06
Leviathan.Alas[Report] Score: -2
Aside from inventory, not sure why everyone is bagging on the legs. They'll produce higher damage than Empy+2 legs (7MAB). Just seems we'll have to refarm a pair of NQs after we finish upgrading our original pair to +2.
2011-12-02 09:24:38
Ragnarok.Xenophire[Report] Score: -5
Hopefully the body is at least +3 Refresh. Not at all impressed with the set. Ele skill isn't needed anymore, there's Ascetic's Tonics pretty much everywhere you go anymore. Legs are the biggest disappointment thus far.
2011-12-02 01:35:40
Fenrir.Evildemon[Report] Score: -8
LOL@legs FAIL SE! Upgrade no thanks

@Alas ... You wouldn't use those legs over empy +2 legs its called set bonus for a reason which will out nuke the relic +2 legs on procs.
2011-12-02 10:15:55