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1/54 , You can do it too!
Score: 5.71
Votes: 17
Classification Player » Cett
Tags Armada Mufflers
Date Submitted 2011-10-11 14:13:24
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Comments (7)
Fenrir.Skadoosh[Report] Score: 0
wow nice aug, wearing it on the wrong job though :(
2011-10-11 19:30:36
Valefor.Anethesia[Report] Score: 0
I like how your tag is encouraging others to keep at it. Grats!
2011-10-24 20:41:55
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -2
nice but it is actually worth using on WAR w/ proper 6 hit setup?
2011-10-11 18:28:37
Odin.Cett[Report] Score: -2
I have a pocket Corsair 90% of the time I"m on war, I don't aim for a 5 hit build due to the ease of obtaining it with rolls~
2011-10-11 19:05:16
Odin.Tsuneo[Report] Score: -6
@Konvict What are you so proud about? Relics basically are as easy as Empyreans now. The only difference is you can stay in Abyssea much longer than Dynamis, so time wise an Empyrean can be completed faster. In the last 4 days I've managed to farm close to 1000 singles, so I don't see anything to brag about.
2011-10-12 01:13:54
Lakshmi.Konvict Show Score: -17
Draylo stfu least he has a relic ^^..relic > aramada hauberk loldraylo5empscantdoarelic
2011-10-11 21:55:58
Leviathan.Draylo Show Score: -17
NQ e body, get out

@Konvict, loool, you have such a hardon for relics don't you? I could afford 2 relics right off the bat if I wanted, but I don't. Move on scrub.
2011-10-11 23:25:37