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Screenshots » id:61467
Had a lil bit of time so finished off my silly F6 set. It's been about three months since I've done anything productive ^^;; Sad thing was I had everything I needed to finsh these faces off, I just hadn't had the chance to sit down and put it all together. Collection includes 4 eye colors (brown, blue, green, and blue/green) on each of the 6 hair colors as seen. I got a lil fancy with the eye shadow and so they all are a bit different... I loved this original face so I really enjoyed making a new collection with it :)
Score: 6.28
Votes: 29
Classification Player » Kamilynn
Tags dat mods hume female f6 face Petite Fee original
Date Submitted 2011-10-09 22:25:43
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Comments (4)
Siren.Flyinghippress[Report] Score: 0
Nice to see you're still doing your DATs :) Haven't talked in awhile, hope all is well!
2011-10-10 14:47:51
Asura.Saphirea[Report] Score: 0
Can we get a link to the download for the .dat files?
2011-10-10 18:09:16
Siren.Kamilynn[Report] Score: -1
Oops! I've been out of the game so long I forgot to put up the link <.< It can be found on neko sentai in the Hume forum (not linked because of the NSFW content on Neko's ads etc) as well as at the new dat site here

Again, registration and a post in the intro forum is required to download on the caarrie site.
2011-10-10 22:13:57
Diabolos.Lilywolf[Report] Score: -2
Somehow, the boobs comments always crop up first.

Getting to not only not be surprised by it, but expect it <.<

Yes, the manteels are mine as well. Release image can be found at

I just used them for this image because there are six of them and there are six hair colors, and it was simpler than finding a bunch of other tops and less boring than using the same one six times.
2011-10-10 00:34:18