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Perseverance pays off!
Score: 4.22
Votes: 41
Classification Player » Malekith
Tags 90 Ukonvasara
Date Submitted 2011-09-30 03:19:45
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Comments (12)
Cerberus.Caitlinn[Report] Score: 4
grats some people need to realize that some of us that play have what we call LIVES and dont understand that we cant get 10 empys done in about 4 days
2011-10-01 00:14:20
Lakshmi.Rearden[Report] Score: 1
I see your comment about not caring about gear.

I figured what you were wearing was troll gear, grats dude.
2011-10-01 01:14:00
Phoenix.Chompy[Report] Score: 0

Life or not, I doubt anyone is doing 10 Empys in 4 days time, If you're going to try and make a point, Say something that is more believable, You're just making excuses for having nothing of value done,

Grats on the 90 Ukon i'm proud of ya ^^
2011-10-02 21:04:57
Asura.Xeth[Report] Score: 0
Grats, but yeah, toss the Tactical Mantle. lol
2011-10-01 01:09:03
Sylph.Keion[Report] Score: 0
Grats and ignore anyone that feels they need to leave negitive comments. I guess they are butthurt in life and need to be dbags just to make themselves feel special.
2011-10-01 14:25:32
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: 0
"Please respect that I posted this SS to celebrate the end of a long hard road."

1500 metal plates says 'sup'

Good luck!
2011-10-02 16:25:35
Asura.Vanzan[Report] Score: -1
Grats Malekith!! Now help me get my Verethragna :)
2011-10-01 13:55:37
Carbuncle.Burkey[Report] Score: -4
grats and jealous. took my twashtar, idk, a year :D?
2011-10-01 00:22:13
Asura.Malekith[Report] Score: -7
07/15/11 - Preliminary trials started
07/29/11 - Ukon 80
08/07/11 - Ukon 85
09/30/11 - Ukon 90

Thanks to all who helped along the way especially Ragnanimous/ Tazzypoo, Lornadane, Aryfadingstar, Kellzie, Syzen and Softkitty among others!

For those out there so tempted to leave some smart, trite, asshat comment don't do it. Please respect that I posted this SS to celebrate the end of a long hard road. I do not care about your snarky 2 cents, anything that can't atleast be respectful will just be deleted that's it. So go ahead an exercise your right to be a jerk, and I'll exercise my right to not deal with it.
2011-10-01 16:22:22
Quetzalcoatl.Tyrantsyn Show Score: -10
Good for you, always feel's good to have the biggest baddest toy around.
2011-10-01 12:27:59