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Screenshots » id:61060
Never seen this before...
Score: 2.27
Votes: 15
Classification Player » Agentblade
Date Submitted 2011-09-23 16:13:44
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Comments (8)
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 11
Cyber police are backtracing you.
2011-09-23 17:38:03
Caitsith.Pibian[Report] Score: 3
This is actually the scripting/programming language Python that has thrown an error. When it does so, it does a "traceback" to point you to where it erred. Here it threw a KeyError that the program could not find a corresponding value for the key "status" (from a dictionary. This is most likely some third party app.
2011-09-24 01:02:53
Ragnarok.Asukas[Report] Score: 2
That's probably the Guildwork client.
2011-09-23 17:20:18
Siren.Ihm[Report] Score: 2
GW Client error, ignore it~
2011-09-23 17:44:54
Lakshmi.Trunksc[Report] Score: 1
You done goof'ed!
2011-09-24 20:18:36
Sylph.Agentblade[Report] Score: 0
Figured it was guildwork client, been seeing this message since i started using it.
2011-09-25 12:37:33
Fenrir.Emirii[Report] Score: -1
I've been getting these a lot lately. Has to do with GW Client when someone signs into the chat.
2011-09-25 13:18:36
Valefor.Rancor[Report] Score: -7
Traceback(third part app):
Found It!
2011-09-23 18:26:34