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My Tattoo =^^= I have had it about 2 years now. People always ask to see what it looks like when I say I have a moogl tattoo. Enjoy!
Score: 8.21
Votes: 124
Classification Player » Syrin
Tags Tattoo Moogle FFXI RDM
Date Submitted 2011-09-22 22:47:39
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Comments (14)
Fenrir.Randolf[Report] Score: 21
Do people then ask what a moogle is? And do you explain? :P anyway nice tattoo
2011-09-23 07:38:59
Bahamut.Deezee[Report] Score: 17
To far. Waaaaaay to far.
2011-09-23 15:24:13
Bahamut.Serj[Report] Score: 5
2011-09-23 00:56:55
Sylph.Beelshamen[Report] Score: 2
Baeshin: Most hating *** comment? "To far. Waaaaaay to far." you mean?

It's not a very nice comment, and I don't understand why people would upvote the comment of a person that doesn't know when to apply "too" in a sentence.

Other than that I barely think the comment is "the most hating ***", just silly. You shouldn't overdramatize.
2011-09-24 15:45:25
Odin.Syrin[Report] Score: -7
@ Randolf - Actually, people who don't know just assume it's some weird pimp Teddy Bea. But It's nice when people see it and they know what it is. A Guy in my acrobatics class saw it and just came up to me and asked me what lvl my rdm was. It was kinda awesome. Lol
2011-09-23 10:57:19
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: -8
How is it way too far? I never liked tattoo's personally, but I don't see a difference between having one with a Final Fantasy icon and having one with a lame Japanese word that you have no clue wtf it means.
2011-09-24 05:48:35
Leviathan.Baeshin Show Score: -12
How do all the positive or nice comments get down rated to oblivion and the most hating *** comment gets rated highest? WTF FFXI community?
2011-09-24 11:47:48
Phoenix.Minimelek Show Score: -13
I love it!
2011-09-23 14:09:50
Odin.Xushin Show Score: -14
Cute ;3
2011-09-24 00:33:55
Asura.Xeth Show Score: -15
Dem Haters

They be hatin'.
2011-09-24 07:49:01