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Calima was /sh in PJ claiming to have TH8, and the following ensued...
Score: 2.68
Votes: 22
Classification Player » Mikeyc
Tags THF TH Proc wtf
Date Submitted 2011-09-12 15:56:47
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Comments (9)
Bismarck.Firedemon[Report] Score: 17
My head hurts from reading that.
2011-09-12 16:37:46
Bismarck.Punchus[Report] Score: 11
Just save yourself the typing and be satisfied that you have the power of knowledge on your side
2011-09-12 16:37:49
Bahamut.Megrim[Report] Score: 8
"never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience"
2011-09-12 21:46:27
Siren.Mosin[Report] Score: 4
people argue about TH? is this new?
2011-09-12 16:32:39
Cerberus.Nexxus[Report] Score: 2
Read the first and the last line and you'll know the whole story.

wall of text...
2011-09-12 16:54:19
Fenrir.Apyrrhicvictory[Report] Score: 1
Ilax your a *** retard. I guess you fall into your own first category?

Obviously Mandau sucks because Mercy Stroke isn't a good weaponskill without a THF special ability to increase Weaponskill damage. Poor logic is poor.
2011-09-13 12:14:03
Odin.Dezaar[Report] Score: 0
Everyone who has played ffxi for an extended period of time, has at least one of these conversations.

My mother always told me "You can't argue with crazy, you can only manage it"
2011-09-13 10:28:51
Cerberus.Freonski[Report] Score: -1
"Are you messing with me?"
2011-09-12 17:57:47
Fenrir.Ilax[Report] Score: -5
This remind me why i don't play THF anymore.

1) PPL in general are retarded.
2) RELIC WS unstacked = FAIL and Stacked WS FAIL TH Proc.

So follow BG and play THF that way: Naked + TK + Feet + Hand + Atma. Then you play the job right.
2011-09-13 11:11:10