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I knitted this for my friend Dynoknight. It only took a couple hours
Score: 8.89
Votes: 115
Classification Player » Jukie
Date Submitted 2011-09-12 09:51:08
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Comments (11)
Alexander.Dynoknight[Report] Score: 3
Just received it in the post Juk, and I gotta say, the quality is absolutely incredible. I mean, it seriously looks and feels professional. Almost feel I need to ask if you are you sure you made it lol <.<
2011-09-14 06:50:52
Valefor.Thejew[Report] Score: 2
Jukie I want one why DK get all the cool stuff xD
2011-09-13 21:47:17
Alexander.Azgaile[Report] Score: -1
very awesome. I would easily pay for 1 also. Actually i would buy a few.
2011-09-13 10:04:01
Shiva.Gib[Report] Score: -3
Very Cute! you should actually look into making those to sell on Etsy or something. I'd be willing to pay like 20ish for that
2011-09-12 13:14:59
Ramuh.Deijixfx[Report] Score: -4
Want! Now make a tonberry :p
2011-09-12 13:14:35
Valefor.Taliko[Report] Score: -4
You have a pattern for that, or just sort of wing it?
2011-09-13 09:46:47
Asura.Lilchibimage[Report] Score: -9
Thumbs up!!!
2011-09-12 13:51:55
Fenrir.Emirii Show Score: -10
I'm pretty sure your protected under creative commons. Although these would go for $25 ~ $30 easily, depending on how much you think your time/mats are worth.
2011-09-12 16:06:23
Shiva.Msthief Show Score: -11
That is really frickin awesome. I'd love to have one on my keychain.
2011-09-12 20:02:36
Alexander.Jukie Show Score: -12
I'd love to open an eshop for them but I'd prolly get in trouble for copyright
2011-09-12 15:32:12