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I'm such a jerk, really thought he thought i was kidding...
Score: 2.88
Votes: 43
Classification Player » Pewpewz
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Date Submitted 2011-09-12 06:08:00
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Comments (9)
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: 35
am I the only one that sees the possibility of a GM call in this?

Not saying it would work but when you said sure gather that's in a sense is a verbal agreement to sell.

Maybe i'm just bored lol.
2011-09-12 13:53:46
Bahamut.Zangada[Report] Score: 29
If ur not going to give a price when u shout then no need to be an *** when ppl make offers.
2011-09-12 13:32:09
Unicorn.Marrs[Report] Score: 20
a jerk would have done it just to be a jerk, apparently you thought he thought it was a joke too, so really it just makes you an idiot.
2011-09-12 17:46:53
Carbuncle.Flionheart[Report] Score: 6
Shut up
2011-09-12 15:22:34
Leviathan.Dadaluma[Report] Score: 1
Don't waste your time whit trolls guys.
Just use the following command :
/blacklist add "troll name"
2011-12-19 04:49:11
Bahamut.Deezee[Report] Score: -4
Broken promises
2011-09-12 14:43:22
Cerberus.Caitlinn Show Score: -15
@Cerberus.Tidis now that you say it if i had the pop items id sell em for 50k just cuz i can
2011-09-12 14:21:46
Sylph.Allyha Show Score: -19
i bought my wyrm beard for 100k off some random guy in balga's dais 2 years ago. :3
2011-09-12 17:15:24
Cerberus.Tidis Show Score: -35
Honestly you shouldn't have to apologise, no one in their right mind should think you're serious for saying you'll sell BB item for 50k
2011-09-12 13:06:16