***like this makes me want to quit the game. It took a lot of time and dedication to build my LS leaders Aegis and you post this crap and cant even use it. What a waste.
@minnigun no they are saying you should have just saved the money and got an Ochain. But I do still want an Aegis myself. Congrats on the Aegis but I personally wouldnt have helped a 66 pld obtain it.
Successful troll is successful, enjoy your stay in Troll-Land as you cross Mini's Bridge, doesn't matter if hes PLD66 or not, takes about 15minutes to level up now, and I'm pretty sure he used his own gil for it so its not like he conned a ls into making his 66PLD an Aegis, some people need to be less butt hurt.
so he got an aegis so what?congrats him instead of making an meaningless comments out of your jealousy, what if hes pld66 no one started this game with Lv75 or 90..... enjoy what fkin left in this game gd and big congrats to u mr.aegis!