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Just a way of saying thanks to everyone that helped with Aegis / Almace over the past year or so. Ran out of room for chars.. if I forgot to add you in the pic, much <3 nonetheless! ^.^v
Score: 8.64
Votes: 42
Classification Player » Daddyx
Tags Resurgence
Date Submitted 2011-08-25 05:48:46
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Comments (10)
Valefor.Rancor[Report] Score: 8
well at least its more creative than a trade box with umpteen items from the same old easy mobs. Nice job. Good quote too.
2011-08-25 17:02:49
Sylph.Kittty[Report] Score: 5
I was about to ask why your LS discriminates against Taru's, but then realized you were the sole Galka and probably ate them all... <.<'

(Cool photo!)
2011-08-25 17:28:32
Siren.Jingles[Report] Score: 2
Needs more taroo!
2011-08-25 18:23:46
Siren.Laide[Report] Score: 1
We love taru's just didn't have any apply or in the shell during the building of the aegis/almace and still don't has any (unless u count mules). We love them mithra's!!
2011-08-27 20:47:03
Siren.Cerale[Report] Score: 1
The challenges met and the bonds forged during such an arduous trial are sometimes more important than the goal itself. It was an honor to be a part of such a great accomplishment.
2011-08-28 14:14:54
Bismarck.Solrain[Report] Score: 1
There's actually 8 Tarus in the front row but they were cropped out to make room for the Chateau in the background.
2012-11-13 03:22:41
Siren.Dcon[Report] Score: 0
you forget to add me!!!!!! what you mean selling all those coins to you wasnt help? lol congrats
2011-08-27 10:33:11
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] Score: 0
Healthy supply of cats there!
2011-08-25 14:00:17
Asura.Planet[Report] Score: 0
i spy with my little eye...

"a taru-taru waving bye-bye."
2011-08-25 18:16:03
Bahamut.Atoreis[Report] Score: 0
No Taru, Galka bro as main char... 10/10!
2011-08-25 19:42:50