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Haven't done BLM maat for a long time since I lost twice but decided to have my revenge just for fun :)
Score: 2.79
Votes: 29
Classification Player » Zuidar
Tags Maat BLM revenge fun death
Date Submitted 2011-08-19 22:10:34
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Comments (7)
Bismarck.Xodious[Report] Score: 3
Yeah, because we all know that every single BLM beat Maat on his first time.../sarcasm.

Well done, Zuidar.
2011-08-20 12:14:27
Leviathan.Ayrlie[Report] Score: 2
just did this but Blizzard V left him at roughly 30% health (did around 1250 dmg). I finished him off with stun+bind+Blizzard IV.
2011-08-21 08:51:39
Bismarck.Zuidar[Report] Score: 2
Yes I am disappointed too... but the one problem is this screenshot wasn't taken from a cellphone. It was from my camera and yes it really sucks but it will have to do.
2011-08-21 11:21:24
Bismarck.Moonlightespada[Report] Score: 1
nice lol. Yea took me bout 18 tries to kill Qualtada for COR G5. Tempted to go back and do this to him now lol btw ya should try that fight zuid, one of the funnest in game (and a total *** at 70)
2011-08-21 15:04:05
Cerberus.Quipto[Report] Score: -2
Messed up on one nuke? You only needed one nuke at 75 >.>
2011-08-23 18:33:55
Quetzalcoatl.Mortechai[Report] Score: -7
Taking pics with a cell-phone eh? Is this the new "in" thing to do? I am disappoint :C!
2011-08-21 08:35:07
Quetzalcoatl.Hispiforce Show Score: -18
You lost on BLM Maat? It's like one of the easiest ones.
2011-08-20 02:51:21