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Testing out Torcleaver for the first time. No brew just in case anyone was wondering.
Score: 1.51
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Slythro
Tags Torcleaver
Date Submitted 2011-08-17 00:12:07
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Comments (10)
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: 34
Slythro's great sword skill rises 0.2 points.


2011-08-17 10:56:23
Siren.Murdock[Report] Score: 19
Cap your GS...
2011-08-17 10:54:18
Odin.Dirtyfinger[Report] Score: 19
No brew but you are /THF.
2011-08-17 11:22:10
Cerberus.Taint[Report] Score: 1
Why is it always people with GS emps posting silly SA WS pics?
2011-08-17 18:06:22
Asura.Tot[Report] Score: 0
Kicked for ruby.
2011-08-17 18:57:24
Fenrir.Skadoosh[Report] Score: -1
nice skillup
2011-08-17 18:02:34
Pandemonium.Ironguy[Report] Score: -3
going /thf and saving up to 300% repeatedly =/= actually using it for the first time
2011-08-17 12:27:00
Carbuncle.Sanders[Report] Score: -8
Yeah I was actually impressed at first then read the comments. They brought me back down to earth... or hatehatehatehell.
2011-08-17 13:51:57
Ragnarok.Slythro[Report] Score: -8
Success! lol. Thanks for the comments guys, was awesome. Figured it was an awesome flame pic :D
2011-08-17 18:19:59
Ragnarok.Phuoc Show Score: -15
Razed ruins + Sanguine Scythe + /thf - Sneak attack + souleater + 300 TP + 300 attack buffs = this.

And yeah, the skill up part was just amusing >D
2011-08-17 13:19:21