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Screenshots » id:59650
Score: 4.07
Votes: 14
Classification Player » Pyroelf
Tags Epic_Fail
Date Submitted 2011-08-07 11:21:17
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Comments (3)
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: 1
iv alwyas wondered if that was possible.. but iv never actuly seen it before. So congrats!
2011-08-07 19:57:36
Quetzalcoatl.Eron[Report] Score: -2
Wha.... Probably has to do with that it is a beastmen stronghold right?
2011-08-07 19:09:39
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: -3
And? NPCs barely do anything on their own to shift a Beastmen stronghold, the majority of it is players. That, and nobody even does Campaign that often anymore, so it's pretty *** easy, and always has been, to take a stronghold that isn't in your Home city's region.
2011-08-07 19:12:25