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Screenshots » id:59112
ffxi life
Score: 2.85
Votes: 34
Classification Player » Marrs
Tags Emp Weapons
Date Submitted 2011-07-20 20:05:59
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Comments (12)
Fenrir.Switchblade[Report] Score: 6
not that anyone cares, but they're shouting about ppl joining a empyrean LS that gets ppl's weapon from 85-90, not lvl 85-90
2011-07-20 23:57:15
Fenrir.Mtmoogle[Report] Score: 3
Not ss worthy
2011-07-20 23:14:16
Fenrir.Azazael[Report] Score: 2
Acey you mean the Vere you got with your rank 1 bonanza ticket was only 85?
2011-07-21 14:31:09
Unicorn.Marrs[Report] Score: 1
lol i didn't post this pic cause i cared about either of your shouts or arguments acey chill. nothing to do with you.
2011-07-22 06:05:42
Fenrir.Pyrowe[Report] Score: 0
My Vere only took me like a week to get 90 and that was before u could spawn 3 NM's at a time. Can't imagine how easy it is now.
2011-07-23 02:35:37
Fenrir.Kiraa[Report] Score: -1
This SS wasn't even worth posting or actually taking the SS. Yes some emps can be 85-90 within a day, but that doesn't mean they are actually going to sit there and do it within said time.
2011-07-21 05:59:18
Ragnarok.Sekundes[Report] Score: -3
Judging from the tags this is talking about 85-90 empy weapon not char level. I suppose if you have an entire ls working at it it could be done in 3-4 hour perhaps but...
2011-07-20 22:07:43
Valefor.Rancor[Report] Score: -3
If NO ONE other than you is doing it maybe? The only hard part about emperians is competing against the hundreds of other people to pop the nms. Its basically wait in line and you'll get it. Really dumb reward system.
2011-07-21 02:45:26
Carbuncle.Flionheart[Report] Score: -4
Marrs crying

What a surprise.
2011-07-21 06:55:41
Fenrir.Acey[Report] Score: -5
Marrs gtfo tqlk about no life lol you're the one posting SS'S WHERE PEOPLE DON'T EEVEN. Know where that comment came from why not show the shouts of parak being a retard like he is... and as far as no life I only said that cause its true anyone could if they wanted not once did I say I was going too but yet there are ignorant people always no matter but anyways go back to your gay unicorn server we don't want yo.... inb4spelling im typing this on a droid 2 so yeah
2011-07-21 08:06:19