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Screenshots » id:58967
Score: 7.76
Votes: 38
Classification Item » Valkyrie's Trews
Date Submitted 2011-07-15 21:34:02
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Comments (4)
Bahamut.Jobice[Report] Score: 5
MAB+9 on legs is pretty nice
2011-07-16 18:10:04
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 1
holy ***. Those are just pure awesome, for both BLM and SMN.
2011-07-16 03:02:56
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: -2
not going to look up the multiple ways to cap -bp timer but could be another alley for a different gearset while maintaining the -45 timer

Now for the crit rate sup Pred claws, granted merit bps inside abbsyea flat out demolish 70 bps.

And yeah these are awesome lol for physical bps pending acc of course vs af3 +2

A lot is pending mp return, inside outside abbsyea but definitely useful, and cataclysm!

oh and it's a nice pet tp piece since there isn't much for legs either! Hmm!!!
2011-07-16 10:18:28
Shiva.Xellith[Report] Score: -3
well all smn would get out of it is enmity -3 and pet critical hit rate +2. Its good he got them but I personally wouldnt bust my balls for +2 pet critical hit rate.

The blood pact delay is a moot point since you can easily cap your blood pact reduction. (unfortunately... stupid SE..)
2011-07-16 06:23:51