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guess i gotta start my mythic?
Score: 7.21
Votes: 28
Classification Player » Kadia
Date Submitted 2011-07-15 12:56:55
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Comments (16)
Lakshmi.Shurikenger[Report] Score: 14
Cat's eye is the correct choice.
2011-07-15 16:32:30
Carbuncle.Tweeek[Report] Score: 7
2011-07-15 17:03:13
Asura.Tamoa[Report] Score: 4
@Whitemiget: It may have something to do with the fact that Cat's Eye is a rank 2 prize and a finished mythic weapon is rank 1. Idk though, just guessing.
2011-07-15 19:26:43
Bismarck.Graciel[Report] Score: 1
You are very lucky indeed sir! :) Especially now-a-days when nobody is hardly doing Salvage.
2011-07-15 22:37:53
Shiva.Xellith[Report] Score: 0
i wouldnt say start a mythic. Id say finish a mythic. alexandrite is 95% of the battle.
2011-07-15 16:38:43
Cerberus.Kadia[Report] Score: 0
the reason why i say start a mythic is because i have 0 pre reqresits except for the floor 100 nyzul and tokens
i dont have captain rank, and 0 einhjar. so yea, im starting a mythic and it will probably be a Vajra.
2011-07-15 23:08:35
Asura.Shylaa[Report] Score: -1
I thought SE said they will be moving things outside Abyssea with next installments. If so dont think about "well it's not good in abyssea".
2011-07-15 17:26:23
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -1
Why not do Dagger? It has the potential to be great with the critical hit damage cap lifted.
2011-07-16 03:09:40
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: -1
forgot nirvana, if you like smn.
2011-07-16 10:27:15
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: -2
Tizona isn't really useful anymore tbh. While the extra MP is nice outside of Abyssea, you would probably be better off with Almace due to the ws which will increase kill speed. It does have a nice use for soloing though, the MP can be pretty valuable for certain solos.
2011-07-15 16:54:54