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Screenshots » id:58149
Score: 2.40
Votes: 20
Classification Player » Ghostfacemilla
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Date Submitted 2011-06-17 10:20:08
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Comments (3)
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 4
There's a whm meleeing with dark staff and you're asking about what the thf is doing? <_<
2011-06-18 03:09:38
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: 0
It's okay, one of the SAMs is full timing twilight helm and mail should he die the WHM doesn't have to stop meleeing to raise him.
2011-06-18 10:48:40
Bahamut.Zorander[Report] Score: -5
Why is Kakuzu holding an cake spachula..oh wait nvm!
2011-06-17 13:48:30