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Screenshots » id:57771
Score: 3.84
Votes: 37
Classification Player » Sechs
Date Submitted 2011-06-03 19:03:24
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Comments (8)
Asura.Sechs[Report] Score: 10
It's not my kitchen! I was at a LS party and there was a lot of food and alchool flowing to suit all the guests. I'm sure that kitchen is perfectly clean and ordered like the rest of the house when they don't have 30 drunk people hanging around :P Trying my first original UK Fish 'n chips in this pic ^^
2011-06-04 05:50:32
Asura.Vanzan[Report] Score: 8
Dude, clean your kitchen. The roaches will leave when you do that
2011-06-04 01:32:29
Carbuncle.Lokodi[Report] Score: 7
Of all the non healthy, fattening stuff you have up there.. you mix it all with pepsi one..impressive
2011-06-04 01:53:06
Shiva.Moogleking[Report] Score: 5
So the Pepsi 2 liter is half empty but the Jack Daniels is full? lol somethng wrong there.
2011-06-03 22:57:45
Shiva.Flionheart[Report] Score: 0
2011-06-04 10:22:15
Phoenix.Sehachan[Report] Score: -1
2011-06-04 04:56:09
Lakshmi.Lyonard[Report] Score: -2
la mia cucina e piu disordinata! >:3
2011-06-04 02:15:09
Cerberus.Superman[Report] Score: -5
i read the comment and see alcohol is over glowing i guess is what he meant and all i see is a small bottle of jack and a really small shot bottle of jack. there is more trash there than alcohol. i find it hard to believe there was 30 people drunk there much less 3 people. learn how to throw a real ls pt.
2011-06-05 01:53:14