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Screenshots » id:57641
Score: 7.09
Votes: 11
Classification User » Noata
Date Submitted 2011-05-30 22:01:14
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Comments (2)
Leviathan.Tohihroyu[Report] Score: 0
Must get pretty laggy if more then 1 smn has Ramuh out...or the Bahamut swap you did @.@ got any vids of the swaps in action?
2011-05-31 14:37:23
Phoenix.Noata[Report] Score: 0
i thought about it, for the most part they attack just like they normally would in the game cept when it comes to doing BP's then things get a lil weird lol...i may take some short vids but im to lazy atm lol. As far as the lag i havnt noticed any yet while using them around others
2011-05-31 17:33:46