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Screenshots » id:57499
Score: 2.60
Votes: 15
Classification Player » Emdief
Date Submitted 2011-05-27 07:30:20
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Comments (8)
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 5
I'm pretty sure almost everyone on FFXIAH uses windower. Why are people trolling for it all of a sudden? It just allows them to play the game well a bit easier.
2011-05-27 18:14:31
Phoenix.Seshu[Report] Score: 1
T4 VoidWatcher from Bastok path, annoying when gets to lower %HP.
2011-05-27 19:00:41
Ragnarok.Ahiyam[Report] Score: 0
How do you guys get/find the white stagger? every time we have done it (which isn't much) it always changed after every ws so we can never stagger white for the tier change or do you just need to stagger red multiple times in the fight?
2011-05-28 12:54:42
Sylph.Emdief[Report] Score: 0
@ Ahiyam
It doesn't change, it just has 8 triggers. 4 are notmal, 4 are strong ones. You need to find the ones that "devastate" the target to have the best results. After you will find a trigger it will change.
2011-05-28 13:21:44
Bismarck.Kyaaadaa[Report] Score: -1
Coffee uses just about every third party program known to man, his comment is smokescreen
2011-05-27 22:34:14
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: -7
she has *** so it's the mom only more plain
2011-05-27 20:55:59
Leviathan.Draylo Show Score: -11
"nice windower screenshot" lol really?
2011-05-28 00:12:17
Bismarck.Coffeegood Show Score: -52
Nice Windower screenshot
2011-05-27 17:57:37