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<3 skilling up when we get enhanced skill up power from Moogles.
Score: 4.55
Votes: 40
Classification Player » Cerelyn
Date Submitted 2011-05-23 10:07:18
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Comments (5)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 6
@Rynok: That whole "Martial Master only works when you have over 100 TP" thing is just some random, coincidental observation someone made, and then decided it was fact and posted it everywhere so that others would think it was a fact, too.

The fact is, skillups in this game are too random for it to be proven one way or another, and in such a case, I refuse to believe the less logical option.
2011-05-23 18:18:59
Odin.Sheelay[Report] Score: 3
This is just as a WAR retaliating on a bunch of robber crabs in Kuftal at level 75.
2011-05-23 21:17:38
Fenrir.Krazyrs[Report] Score: 0
goes pretty quick, yet i brought my dualbox whm to abby altepa and retaliation spammed 6-8 mandies at a time, broke scythe of trials in 30m ish when i got the lv to use it XD
2011-05-24 06:04:35
Ragnarok.Cerelyn[Report] Score: -3
Oh, I was not aware of that Leviathan.Rynok.

Regardless it was going fast up to 200 on those crabs. Skilling up 2Hands sucks though, long delay.. Yikes.
2011-05-23 19:14:46
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -3
should be like /tell nekonarf HEY COME BARD THANKS!
2011-05-24 02:12:19