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Screenshots » id:56850
i laughed
Score: 7.33
Votes: 18
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Date Submitted 2011-05-09 16:36:15
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Comments (6)
Alexander.Kasaioni[Report] Score: 26
----== Player Message ==----
Currently, the "Port Jeuno" area is congested.
----== Player Message ==----
We would appreciate it, if SE would put Abyssean NPCs in logical zones and not freaking Heaven's Tower. Thank you for your cooperation.
2011-05-09 16:39:20
Phoenix.Angelinn[Report] Score: -1
Hooray for unnecessary commas.
2011-05-09 18:05:38
Ragnarok.Cerelyn[Report] Score: -2
Havn't seen that since shortly before Odin was closed couple years ago. Whitegate.. Oh nice to go down memory lane.. :3
2011-05-09 16:45:57
Carbuncle.Kerokun[Report] Score: -3
With the comma after "it," I thought it was gonna have "like" in there or something.

"We would appreciate it, like, if you can move to another area. 'Kay, thanks."
2011-05-09 21:19:13
Odin.Akhilleus[Report] Score: -4
I actually remember dc'ing trying to enter WG on Odin on numerous occasions, guess they underestimate the 'HUB' 's location all the time, either that or they need to have a menu with /shouts /request posted so people can solo farm in a certain zone but yet read the /requests in the menu (shouts as they are now) it poses no complications or logistical constraints, anyway, SE isn't a favourable advocate of logic, *** common sense.
2011-05-09 16:56:49
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: -7
"We would appreciate it..." sounds like southern talk lol
2011-05-10 03:50:00