Level 80 Synergy achieved 4/18/2011 after casually leveling it every now and then. Now to cap clothcraft and get goldsmithing to 60 to prepare for the next update and take it to 100!
Impurity ratio is what causes the furnace to explode. If it goes above 30% there's a chance it'll blow up. To prevent this you have to use the safety lever and reduce it to under 30%. Or if it's already about to explode you whack it with the wrench and say a prayer.
I dont understand the pressure and impurity ratio's yet... The fewell is really quiet simple. You have a current status (top numbers in white) and a target goal (bottom numbers in yellow). To complete your synth, you have to meet or exceed the target goals on each element.
This is what I have learned from a small handful of successful synths and power leveling by spamming fewell...