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Screenshots » id:55902
waltz feet goooooooooooooo
Score: 4.57
Votes: 7
Classification Player » Yunalaysca
Tags Dance shoes augment
Date Submitted 2011-04-04 01:39:29
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Comments (4)
Odin.Skeero[Report] Score: 7
If dnc ever gets octa-wield you will be in good shape.
2011-04-05 12:33:54
Asura.Yunalaysca[Report] Score: 1
it's a quest in abyssea tahrongi once you get level 3 fame called "A sterling specimen". you have to pop a Mandy NM and drag it to a NPC so he can catch it, pretty simple. you can do this quest once a game day.
2011-04-05 17:49:04
Quetzalcoatl.Dova[Report] Score: -1
i jelly grats
2011-04-05 11:26:17
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -1
Holy ***... Mind sharing where you got these?
2011-04-05 16:28:13