Ha, didn't think it would take long for people to think it was a lie. The Henchmen aren't severely resistant to all magic. They're generally resistant to magic that isn't strong to the element they're casting. For example, if a henchmen is casting Stone, Aero would do full damage. Sometimes nukes do full damage anyway even if it's not the right element, but that's unreliable. Drain also does consistent damage on all of them.
Crystalline Flare is really weak at 90 with Shell V (does that affect it?), sometimes it wouldn't even break SS. Drain patches everything up no problem. For the third phase, he always does a TP move when he spawns the adds (solo, anyway), but it's NOT always Crystalline Flare. In this case, it was Bill Toss, which does nothing if you're not facing him.
As for time remaining? I'm 99% sure I had about 6-7 minutes left, maybe a little less. I thought I would be cutting it closer, but really it doesn't take that long to nuke the henchmen, and of course Riko goes
Personally, I'd like to see the time remaining. While it may not seem true at all, this is anything but impossible. Consider the fact an AoE Aspir would restore him to full endlessly, as well as Aspirs on the big moogle. As long as a charge was saved for Sleepga, the moogles aren't too difficult to nuke down especially if he landed 8.4k on the big moogle (even post damage enhancement.)
While I'm not going to side whether its true or false, I don't believe its impossible to solo SCH/RDM. The discrepancy I see here is surviving the crystalline flares (could just Drain him once to be full up again) during Riko's final form, perhaps beating the clock as well.
Post more of the log/battlefield, prove/disprove it. :P
Awesome Misc! Great job!
And for the haters/doubters, Misc solos things all the time. This was not his first time soloing this mission, nor will it be his last. Y'all just make me laugh. He doesn't have to prove anything to you. Keep at it Misc, you could break ur current record of 8400... just think what the haters would say then :P
they aren't weak to all magic, just w/e they are 'strong to' based on what they absorb. you should probably redo/reread the mission comments of hate lol... its just another lame 'peak damage' ss ona mob that takes increased damage