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Screenshots » id:55073
Score: 6.21
Votes: 14
Classification Player » Aryelius
Date Submitted 2011-03-14 11:00:57
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Comments (8)
Siren.Kittyhawk[Report] Score: 3
Interesting. You can find weaknesses on anything Impossible to Gauge (T1s, Mimics) but I've never seen an AoE discern two mobs at once. :o
2011-03-14 12:04:04
Cerberus.Wolfshadow[Report] Score: 0
Try diagaing fistule and like 8 pustules. You'll get a proc...or 5
2011-03-14 22:55:28
Cerberus.Quipto[Report] Score: 0
Like Wolfshadow said, it does the same on Fistule with babies.
2011-03-16 23:26:08
Bismarck.Helel[Report] Score: -2
Been trioing tunga for dagger and my GF will aeolian edge the adds off me. She's gotten the message a few times. Nothing special, just if you hit an NM with an elemental ws you have a chance to get the message; hit more than one NM, more than one message. The Hadal Mirrors are NMs obviously.
2011-03-14 15:51:41
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -2
I've proc'd red on Hadhayosh and Ovni at the same time with Earth Crusher.
2011-03-14 17:47:29
Unicorn.Strigoi[Report] Score: -3
When we were doing carabosse for my masamune, I think the fly needed cyclone to proc. We were fighting both at one time so I cyclone'd baby yaga and since the fly was right there it proc'd it lol
2011-03-14 12:54:37
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: -4
That's definately strange, perhaps as the Hadal Mirrors' are classed as NMs, they have their own weakness triggers as well so you got a message for 2 of the 4 mobs you hit.
2011-03-14 11:56:21
Ragnarok.Yokyumosheemo[Report] Score: -7
Um.. what??? Head Explodes... So does this mean you need to use light and wind at the same time to proc red??
2011-03-14 12:21:16