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Screenshots » id:54915
Score: 3.38
Votes: 48
Classification Player » Kyatfa
Date Submitted 2011-03-10 15:38:38
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Comments (10)
Sylph.Quiznor[Report] Score: 9
When I saw the thumbnail on the front page I thought "This will be called the Race Card,I can feel it" guess I was wrong :(
2011-03-10 21:20:22
Quetzalcoatl.Moonsshadow[Report] Score: 3
Should be "spells or abilities" and it's called Shroud. Also, this is kinda lame.
2011-03-10 18:31:23
Lakshmi.Harkonnen[Report] Score: 2
How can he be Bob the Builder he has not fixed anything yet
2011-03-11 07:05:09
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: 1
sad thing is, all these ppl correcting it saying ''spells or abilities' or jsut call it shroud'
Even the term shroud wasnt used back when i played lol. I feel old..
2011-03-11 13:59:19
Sylph.Breakdown[Report] Score: 1
Wrath of God still removes him from the board...
2011-03-11 02:23:40
Valefor.Endlesspath[Report] Score: 0
2011-03-11 03:36:46
Bismarck.Patrik[Report] Score: 0
should say "spells or abilities"! :P sorry... played MTG way too much when i was younger >.> ...or you could just put "shroud" XD
2011-03-10 18:32:34
Valefor.Thioo[Report] Score: 0
Wrath- No problem.
2011-03-10 18:59:10
Bismarck.Cuelebra[Report] Score: 0
actually if i remember MTG. Autumn Willow card was like this. except the dmg reduced to 0 crap
2011-03-10 22:16:31
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -3
Barak Obama is actually Bob the Builder!

Can we fix it? Yes we can!
2011-03-11 02:50:02