I was tired of being creative so I just did something simple. Added a faceplate to Taru's Bale Burgeonet (yes it is the only thing different in this image). I originally did an EM version, but it has errors because it was made as an example, not a mod. I will probably do all races if anyone shows an interest. It is a very simple edit! Available for download on neko sentai and http://ffxidats.caarrie.org/
^^ I've gotten quite a bit of feedback and it appears people would like this available for the other races XD so I've done Hume female, Hume male, Mithra, finished the Elvaan Male (and of course the taru). Only a couple to go! I also decided to reshape (slightly) the visor portion of the helm on most races as it seems it would limit ones vision D:
It's nice to do simple busywork that I know people will use ^^ thanks for the comments :)