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Screenshots » id:54765
Score: 1.68
Votes: 22
Classification Player » Darkultima
Tags unknown wut?
Date Submitted 2011-03-05 10:08:55
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Comments (8)
Phoenix.Naratu[Report] Score: 9
It's because of the server merge. Affected servers will have that unknown tag.
2011-03-05 15:32:21
Asura.Rinkydink[Report] Score: 1
your "friend" left you
2011-03-08 06:32:11
Bahamut.Dasva[Report] Score: -1
Yeah it's been like this for a few days now...
2011-03-05 15:28:38
Carbuncle.Kerokun[Report] Score: -1
I'm finding that, too. It's creeping me out. When I first saw it, I was, like, "d00d, did you get GM jailed or wut."
2011-03-06 00:18:42
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: -2
You'll get that if someone is on PXI (if people even still use it) and are stupid enough to not go Invis or use something to bypass POL too. But yeah, it's the server merge. Asura was like it for awhile if you remember. =P
2011-03-05 15:44:05
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: -2
Also used to get that if people were on a server that was locked.
2011-03-05 21:51:50
Odin.Sparow[Report] Score: -2
lol someone is stalking my cousin xD
2011-03-05 18:30:23
Sylph.Tigerwoods Show Score: -10
I get that a lot when I'm lagging. Have been for years (I steal connection lol so it's quite often for me)
2011-03-05 15:52:23