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My FFXI experience over the past year
Score: 8.73
Votes: 114
Classification Player » Thris
Tags Troll Rage Comic Relic
Date Submitted 2011-02-25 22:18:22
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Comments (8)
Leviathan.Willoflame[Report] Score: 13
This is pretty entertaining.
2011-02-25 23:15:33
Asura.Tamoa[Report] Score: 5
I have to say I feel sorry for relic holders that completed their trials only to have SE ***on them further by suddenly making the trials that they already did, easier...
2011-02-26 06:38:30
Odin.Sheelay[Report] Score: 3
The true story of SE's care for its most dedicated players!

@ Draylo : What does GIL have to do with the 2000+ WS killing blow the Relic trials were before SE lowered them to 200+ ?
Of course GIL gets you around, but even with a whole Dynamis LS, building a Relic back at 75 took longer than that Almace you like to hug when you go to bed and feel special about!

LOL @ you bro, you mad over a joke! XD
2011-02-26 21:50:11
Phoenix.Dooom[Report] Score: -5
As amusing as this is, aren't level 90 relics pretty much comparable to level 90 Empyreals? I don't /forum much anymore but the multi-damage procs on relics are meant to be pretty awesome.
2011-02-26 06:07:16
Ifrit.Phlow[Report] Score: -5
It's ridiculous, asshat.
2011-02-26 12:20:06
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: -9
@Sheelay.... lol most dedicated players? You do realize the only limiting factor on obtaining relics is GIL?
2011-02-26 20:10:42
Ifrit.Javelin Show Score: -12
90amano can out dd 90masamune if its done right, so meh
2011-02-26 08:13:12
Cerberus.Denaub Show Score: -55
And yet you keep playing so whats the point of raging over it?
2011-02-25 22:36:15