Loved the campaign system/story. Shame abyssea came in and killed it (actually died before that). SE should really consider making skillups possible during campaign battles. Add better damn allied note rewards, and make it more lucrative to bother being apart of it. Oh and unlocking the BCNMs ffs.
either way SE sadly turned its back on a great story. RIP
campaign was fun when you had only 1 job to Lv.75 and wanted to kill some time between your dynamis.
but as you learned about new end game campaign became more of a quick way to go cap your buffer if you needed to, rather an actual thing you dedicated time to doing.
GG Campaign, you killed yourself before new content could kill you.
I'd say Campaign died way before Abyssea, but the only thing to draw people out was Union, and after people realized that Union was ***it quickly died again.