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Finally... after 8 brews and not much to show for it... he decides to cough up. Blue was procced, got quite lucky, its no big deal really but yeah.
Score: 7.81
Votes: 32
Classification Player » Xynthios
Date Submitted 2011-02-13 19:05:47
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Comments (7)
Caitsith.Judaine[Report] Score: 26
*** everyone else, congrats.
2011-02-13 22:42:10
Asura.Tamoa[Report] Score: 10
@Rancor: a skilled mnk still can't do Hexa Strike.
2011-02-14 07:03:18
Alexander.Xynthios[Report] Score: 6
I kind of agree with you, Corres but 1) With friends you have more competition for items, with a solo brew, you have none.

2) These solos are simple enough to do and with another like this and a mail drop, I will have no use to do Shinryu anymore as I will have everything worthy of mentioning... the chances of doing this alone is too good to pass up, in my opinion.

And thanks Judaine.
2011-02-14 00:29:14
Lakshmi.Ashido[Report] Score: 4
2011-02-13 22:06:15
Diabolos.Vagrantchaos[Report] Score: 1
Mass rate down for suggesting to not use a brew on Shinryu? Really? I think people should accept that you don't have to brew Shinryu to be 'cool'.
I don't think Corres meant to take away from the obvious hard work here, but thats ffxi ah perspective for you.

To the matter at hand. Congradulations on those drops buddy, well deserved post of your efforts ^^
Keep it up and good luck on the body however you may choice to get it ^^!
2011-02-14 12:55:18
Bahamut.Dasva[Report] Score: -6
I liked doing solo better. Could get TH3 and 10/15 peircing procs and could push it to the time limit cause I could just on shot shinryu
2011-02-14 04:16:31
Valefor.Rancor Show Score: -22
Did a shin static with 4 friends procing blue and getting TH up every fight. We used brews to get multiple in during blunt hours because a skilled monk can proc blue 100% and tank shin no problem. Finished all twilight gear for all 4 of us in only a few days. Be smart, get ***done fast.
2011-02-14 01:51:20