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Chukwa solo'd on first try~ inb4 not hard, it wasn't hard c.c
Score: 3.35
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Snowe
Tags Chukwa solo
Date Submitted 2011-02-07 20:49:13
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Comments (8)
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 2
True soloing Chukwa isn't hard, did it about 10 times and no Collar so I just asked a bunch of friends, 1 blue proc later and I have a Creed Collar.

Long story short, very easy solo but don't bother, get friends to proc blue.
2011-02-08 09:35:21
Lakshmi.Blacklion[Report] Score: 1
pfft, my PLD cud solo that casting Ninjutsu spells!
2011-02-08 07:54:41
Siren.Loshiniloi[Report] Score: -1
Awesome soloing this guy. The way I see it soloing Chuckwa was the same as soloing Sharbhra; both immune to stun, both cast Teir IV spells and use -ja based spells below 50%HP
2012-04-22 10:12:34
Siren.Snowe[Report] Score: -2
@Khimaira: I was on RDM90/BLM45... Yes, thunder III, and it only did that cuz i thought i'd be able to just nuke it dead but realized i couldn't haha
2011-02-08 17:12:54
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -4
Thunder III..? w.
2011-02-08 02:03:45
Diabolos.Megatron[Report] Score: -4
What no atma? Phail
2011-02-08 11:11:08
Diabolos.Bubbly[Report] Score: -8
Chukwa may not be the most impressive solo, but it's experience to help you learn how to solo even bigger, badder ***! :D You'll show haters who's awesome when you've *** solo'd Hedjedjet because you practiced! D:
2011-02-08 03:58:44
Bismarck.Ihina[Report] Score: -8
I solo'ed Chukwa casting nothing BUT Thunder III.
2011-02-08 02:18:03