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Screenshots » id:53967
Pet acc +6, 30ish trys
Score: 5.61
Votes: 18
Classification Item » Bestia Greaves
Tags pet accuracy bestia greaves
Date Submitted 2011-02-05 17:34:46
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Comments (6)
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] Score: 2
I don't see many BST wearing Herder's around their feet.
2011-02-06 15:37:03
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung[Report] Score: 1
Thank you a million times for this screeny. I had given up at 42 attempts and 0 pet augments for bestia greaves. Im definately starting up again now that i know this is a possibility. On a side note, I really dont understand why they keep giving pet ranged acc on gear for pet jobs that have no ranged pets.
2011-02-06 23:36:02
Alexander.Hiep[Report] Score: 0
hate this >.>, 0/150 so far, and not a single acc for pet on augment.
2011-02-06 21:11:06
Asura.Bitesized[Report] Score: 0
This was actually the first time I had seend pet accuracy on any attempts. It just happend to be the first was my last. Wouldn't be suprised if it went up to +7 like all the other stats on it, but I'm happy with this.
2011-02-13 11:56:21
Bismarck.Siggymund[Report] Score: 0
These thins are very rare.
2011-12-31 10:16:17
Ramuh.Seyton[Report] Score: -1
Aren't Herder's +10 pet acc?
2011-02-06 15:13:56