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Screenshots » id:53557
I know, this one is mildly ridiculous. I blame overcompensating for the scarf! Worst part was when I was told I had spent a day making "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders" ._.;; Oh well. Not as happy with this one as my SCH one but it worked out okayish (although I really like the high heels and the nail polish)! It is actually much prettier in game, MV doesn't like showing detail on light toned armor so I tweaked it a bit. Available for download on neko sentai and
Score: 6.62
Votes: 50
Classification Player » Lilywolf
Tags Mithra dat mods BLU blue mage AF3 Empyrean armor
Date Submitted 2011-01-24 13:42:23
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Comments (13)
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] Score: 35
The one on the right only has 1 boob!

2011-01-24 18:09:55
Caitsith.Jar[Report] Score: 15
2011-01-26 22:05:12
Siren.Eremes[Report] Score: 13
The Wing Brooch is currently pinned to her breast in all 3 of your mods. That seems like it would hurt.
2011-01-24 20:10:30
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: 6
Good god! I hope never.. Elvaans do not need to be seen in something like this, that's like saying a galka should be seen in Carabosses Subligar.
2011-01-25 04:54:33
Siren.Mascrapone[Report] Score: 1
Oh my heavens. It's Brittney's "come back" tour all over again.
2011-01-24 20:28:14
Odin.Liela Show Score: -10
I like the headpiece on the center model. The wings are cute and the scarf over the face is mysterious, both true to the actual blu headpiece. But it gets rid of that bulky thing on the back of the head. It's nice.
2011-01-24 17:13:27
Ragnarok.Nekonarf Show Score: -11
might as well be naked.
2011-01-24 17:34:48
Asura.Leyla Show Score: -12
so when are you porting this to elvvan huh huh huh?!
2011-01-25 00:02:21
Fenrir.Lynia Show Score: -12
Loving this mod ^.^
2011-01-25 20:58:38
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung Show Score: -13
when mavi boots first came out i said they looked like *** boots, but now i know i was wrong... there definately stripper boots instead.
2011-01-24 20:45:41