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That came pretty fast.
Classification Item » Ochain
Tags Ochain 90
Date Submitted 2011-01-20 11:49:21
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Comments (10)
Cerberus.Havicks[Report] Score: 24
how about congratulations on your accomplishment... sounds much nicer than other already have it >.> anyways congrats!
2011-01-20 12:36:16
Asura.Stryger[Report] Score: 21
Description: That's what she said.
2011-01-20 14:52:39
Ragnarok.Xushin[Report] Score: 16
some people gotta quit trolling -.-; getting old really grats on Almace/Ochain
2011-01-20 13:47:37
Carbuncle.Blazer[Report] Score: 16
Grats, glad to see some people are still working on paladin. Enjoy that beastly thing^
2011-01-20 12:48:04
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 16
Best shield for PLD ever.

Its a shame that PLD still has a bad Stigma and people are still going to laugh and be negative :(

But don't let it get to you, That shield really breaks a lot of bad things about PLD, the ability to constantly block at neat ~100% Rate on even NMs, and block the majority of Damage, Would make them one of the better tanks in the game again so long as they had proper DD output.

Work on Almace next, Chant Du Cygne, MAXIMUZE DD OVERDRIVE.
2011-01-20 12:53:42
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] Score: 7
Grats! Can't wait to get one. :)
2011-01-20 17:25:25
Ramuh.Lilsanchez[Report] Score: 4
Ohhh chain! Ohhh Chain!
2011-01-20 22:29:58
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -3
at least once paladin becomes once again an in demand tank because we all don't have 5k HP and have infinite MP refresh for the eventual out of abyssea content, kick *** shield grats, really wondering if because of the 95% block rate >_> if /war would just be a useful sub..
2011-01-20 16:17:02
Sylph.Tigerwoods Show Score: -24
Ls leader
2011-01-20 14:27:35
Odin.Spccdog Show Score: -76
Pld is dead, level monk
2011-01-20 13:14:50