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Its been a bad week for windurst...
Score: 6.20
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Godofgods
Tags campaign, conquest, windy, windurst
Date Submitted 2011-01-19 18:02:08
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Comments (9)
Unicorn.Marrs[Report] Score: 4
@Jessi, even if they didn't put that in the update it still would have died since the advent of abyssea, theres not really any good armor involved in campaign anymore.
2011-01-19 20:24:06
Fenrir.Littlechaos[Report] Score: 0
0.o After all that Windy is still in 2nd place. Looks like a bad week for Bastok >.> (talking conquest, not campaign).
2011-01-20 05:09:03
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] Score: -1
best thing you can get from campaign since abyssea: ... sprinter's shoes :/
2011-01-20 18:38:38
Asura.Ericka[Report] Score: -2
Er'body in Abyssea, no time to defend Zones from Beastmen!
2011-01-20 02:57:12
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: -2
@Marrs; not to mention a lot of people soloed campaign for exp, whereas now you can make about 10 times the amount of exp in the same amount of time in abyssea.
2011-01-19 22:17:27
Caitsith.Jessie[Report] Score: -2
Unfortunately, that's how the campaign map looks like for Windurst on Caitsith every other week. Which kinda sucks because Windurst used to be the strongest out of the 3 Shadowreign nations.

When Lv.99 rolls around, I hope Square-Enix gives us some incentive to revisit Campaign. It's just completely died since the update that gave people the ability to permanently keep their Campaign medals.

EDIT@Marrs: True, but people were forced to spend a couple hours a month to keep their medals before. Now that they aren't, there's virtually -no one- doing Campaign lol.
2011-01-20 10:46:01
Lakshmi.Ryanx[Report] Score: -4
/point /laugh
2011-01-20 00:38:45
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: -4
@Nay - damn right its all your fault taru! Get your *** back here and fix your mess!
2011-01-31 12:08:34
Odin.Nayito[Report] Score: -5
that is all cause i left ffxi :·)
2011-01-20 00:37:58