@Jessi, even if they didn't put that in the update it still would have died since the advent of abyssea, theres not really any good armor involved in campaign anymore.
@Marrs; not to mention a lot of people soloed campaign for exp, whereas now you can make about 10 times the amount of exp in the same amount of time in abyssea.
Unfortunately, that's how the campaign map looks like for Windurst on Caitsith every other week. Which kinda sucks because Windurst used to be the strongest out of the 3 Shadowreign nations.
When Lv.99 rolls around, I hope Square-Enix gives us some incentive to revisit Campaign. It's just completely died since the update that gave people the ability to permanently keep their Campaign medals.
EDIT@Marrs: True, but people were forced to spend a couple hours a month to keep their medals before. Now that they aren't, there's virtually -no one- doing Campaign lol.