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Classification Item » Triplus Dagger
Date Submitted 2010-12-29 03:14:33
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Comments (8)
Asura.Tot[Report] Score: 0
stop making thf's look bad!
/troll [ON]
2010-12-29 17:03:04
Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud[Report] Score: 0
damn triplus dagger AND twilight knife? you're a TP'in Mo-Fo.
2010-12-29 14:41:50
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: 0
stretched out cat is stretched out.
2010-12-29 15:45:14
Lakshmi.Capnspike[Report] Score: 0
Just got the same combo myself last night. The Hidden TP drain on twilight knife makes this a perfect combo...

Who needs subtle blow?
2011-01-13 11:03:58
Fenrir.Krazyrs[Report] Score: -2
aias bonnet...
2010-12-29 19:46:31
Cerberus.Ansime[Report] Score: -3
2010-12-29 23:23:37
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] Score: -3
Stack that Subtle Blow...
2010-12-29 15:05:56
Phoenix.Kirana Show Score: -12
Fusetto+2 would be better for TPing than twilight ;)

Double attack trumps Triple attack trumps Quadruple attack, and a THF with merits and optimal gear/atmas can achieve 35-40% triple attack and 15-20% double attackin abys. The quad attack on twilight will almost never proc because of this, and the tp drain has a much lower proc than HP/MP.

@Corres that's an Aias bonnet.
2010-12-29 15:02:28