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So close >.>; inb4 your thf is only 71 you outlotted true thf bast*rd, it was my glass and i had them reserved.
Score: 1.92
Votes: 53
Classification Player » Darkultima
Date Submitted 2010-12-27 16:39:48
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Comments (11)
Carbuncle.Asymptotic[Report] Score: 55
Level your subjob!
2010-12-27 17:57:05
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 15
your thf is only 71 you outlotted true thf bast*rd
2010-12-27 22:19:54
Sylph.Nadalie[Report] Score: 2
gratz on the hands, but now a SA gives you the same effect =X
2010-12-29 05:47:58
Sylph.Sushiroll[Report] Score: 2
Must not have capped Azure fast enough :<..

Grats on hands though.
2010-12-29 02:24:36
Lakshmi.Galvaya[Report] Score: 1
Nice, with only 3min left to go you got them to drop. I love those last minute great moments. Grats!
2010-12-28 01:55:06
Shiva.Elensar[Report] Score: 0
Congrats!! I still need these but I am very unlucky with drops :)
2010-12-29 06:11:51
Asura.Palomaru[Report] Score: 0
Uhh... You can get from 71 to 90 in like a day if you really tried so its really not a big deal. Grats though, I haven't been in dynamis since the cap was 75 and I remember we had the thf hands on free lot eventually, I guess random is random.
2010-12-28 09:12:21
Siren.Eremes[Report] Score: 0
Better late than never?
2010-12-29 11:32:18
Leviathan.Arasuta[Report] Score: -4
Wana know the best thing? Loldynamis etc etc
2010-12-28 21:37:31
Asura.Braego[Report] Score: -5
People quit being so butt hurt. His glass his rules, so deal with it. Congrats on your hands~
2010-12-28 08:51:15